You are unique.

Adrienne Lamond
Nov 18, 2020

Stop for a moment. Let that settle.

How do you feel when you find something unique externally? You admire it, you look at it with wonder, and you may even cherish it.

So why can’t you feel that for yourself?

I have realised this year that it is all too common to not appreciate or love ourselves. To pick holes in the things that we think are different or ‘wrong’ or not in line with our own expectations of perfect. It is important to remember when these feelings creep in, that there has been no one on this earth resembling you before, and there will be no one after. And that is pretty damn special!

The unique combination of your likes, dislikes, fears, hopes, dreams will never exist again. To realise that, is to start to realise your worth, your potential and maybe even begin to fall in love with yourself. Which (this year has taught me) is the pathway to freedom, empowerment and true contentment.

Your are unique, and you are wonderful, just as you are.



Adrienne Lamond

Obsessed with learning about why we do what we do and feel what we feel. Day job - financial services leader & trainee counsellor and reflexologist.